wow, i had the weirdest dream last night. -- my daughter (i think it was) and my ex- (i think???the details are a bit fuzzy) were going on a trip, we loaded up my Austen Healey and headed off to a watery campground. We had to take a small boat to this float where there was a huge house, it was kind of dangerous trying to transport our stuff onto the float and then we could not find the key to the house...everything was a bit of a blur, but the overwhelming feeling of the dream was one of anxiety mixed with excitement. Also, when i was driving my car i was having trouble with the breaks. This part of the dream is a recurring one, where i am driving my little green sports car and when i apply the brakes the car won't stop, but i never crash...there is always just this persistent anxiety.....hmmmmm.....
This is when I get my dream analysis book out.
you know, i do not have a GOOD one...my friend belongs to a Jungian group, but they are downtown and i don't want to travel that far. i do know the water is a good sign, the fast car with no breaks kind of makes me "feel" out of control...the fact that i have frequent dreams about my ex- is somewhat disturbing, but.....
...could be your photo triggered something, because in the year prior to me leaving my "home", my daughter and i discovered Star Trek and "associates" and we never missed a series or a new movie...we were avid watchers for the following 10 years!
oh well, perhaps Dr. Deb can could give me some helpful suggestions?
Justification has to do with where you place text or pictures in the entry. If you want something to go to the middle you click the button to have it go in the middle. That's justify. when you open the upload image window on Blogger it will give options on where to place the picture in the entry. choose the setting that says none. Also, make sure that you have some sort of text at the end of the entry. If you only have a picture it'll bleed over into the other entry because without the text or some sort of brake the program assumes you want it to all run together.
If you have anymore questions ask. As a matter of fact, on my journal I can write a better explanation. It'll be on the journal at www.sundripjournals.wordpress.com
The one you visited is kind of not active right now.
Hiya PJ, nice view!
As I am somewhat of an insomniac myself, I am not up on dreams and their significance.
My dearly departed grandmother used to be the dream weaver in our family and could explain away all of our dreams and their significance, if any, with much clarity.
A belated Happy Canada's day to you and yours.
Dreams.....I do feel they do speak to us yes...I have a re-acurring one where I am driving my Mom somewhere...and I miss the curve, and she says..it will be OK as calm as can be. (I think she is telling me to take chances and not be afraid...more on that later...) Actually I am going to do a post on that very subject.
Anyway..a co-worker is asking about "Jandrugs" a Canadian RX place, liscenced by Manitoba Pharmaceutical Association....have you hear of them before???
Back to work...have a great day...
oh those ones where you feel like your riding a roller coaster that isnt going to stop. We dont like those dreams we wake up feeling tired from the trip :P
Hello Pj..that was a fast post I left on break, but the co-workers qst was on a drug company they want to order drugs from?/ Appear legit, and I said to call the toll free number...prices appear to be half of what they are in the U.S. (that may be a different post...)
But back to the dreams...I find dreams so interesting, and I do believe they have a meaning...could the no brakes be saying "take that chance?? let things happen??" Will be interesting to see what you find out and please share any updates!!!
Until Later
Great dream for some analysis. The mind is funny isn't it? It may be tricky and full of riddles, but it doesn't lie. What do you think that's all about?
I am full of questions today..
I am trying to add LINKS..got the setting saved...but leary of hitting republish...there are two tabs, republish index and republish entire blog...Which one, and will I loose everything to that point?? I know once I hit a key and lost all posts...that was when I first started...any help much appreciated....
Click the button on the left. You won't lose anything.
HMMM! I'd say myself...
Definitely and axiety drem. Dreaming with water on the other hand is good - generally!
Did you take this photo with thedisposable underwater camera you were telling me about?
It isa very, very nice shots - fantastic light shimmering.
Dreams are so odd sometimes.
Love that picture by the way.
I think dreams are fun... like t.v. ~ without the commercials. Wait! I didn't mean to give "them" any ideas...
This dream was brought to you by Diet Pepsi
~ what a nightmare!
teisha's place..
OK, thanks..heading there now will update...then it is off to "hit the books" quite a bit of reading and studying to get busy with.
P.J. I also have to stay...great picture!!!
Have a great weekend everyone!!
hmmm strange dream indeed...
i had an ugly dream last night..
i think it is because of a book i am reading where a woman is killed... i dreamed that I and a friend.. not sure who.. were being slowly murdered .. sliced to death with a scalpel...
i often have vivid dreams.. this one was...
i RARELY have ugly dreams'thank goodness
hope you are well.. i have been very busy in real life and not online much.. hope to see more of my blogfriends soon
take care
Hi PJ and friends...
My, you've been busy over here.
I really should visit your blog more often as you've always got something interesting going on.
I don't dream often...or at least I don't remember my dreams when I awake. Maybe I should concentrate more on them? Actually, by the end of the day I am so tired...I sleep like a log.
I love that picture!
OK filly - where are you?
Hope you are keeping well...
hey all,
thanks for stopping by...i will be back soon,
That's a peculiar dream. I am curious though, while you were dreaming, did you realize it was just a dream, or did you have to wake up before you realized it had just been a dream?
I was having insomnia issues and strange dreams last week. I think it was due to excessive caffeine intake. I used to subsist on caffeine but over the past few years I've weened myself down quite a bit, so upping the amount of caffeine after my body has lost its tolerance to it-- well the effects weren't pretty. I tend to have dreams that make me anxious even though I know they're just dreams when I'm having them.
Methinks Freud and Jung would have field days with us. I used to be in a Pavlovian group but my wife made me quit when I'd start profusely salivating every time the phone rang. ;-)
I know where you can dream up a good mechanic who would just love a crack at those Austin brakes...for free!
HELLO ALL, i have been away, now back and trying to catch my breath....will connect one on one later as i MUST get this project i'm working on done before Monday, cheers for now,
Sounds odd...I'm not a firm believer in dreams meaning much, mostly because my dreams usually suck ass and would all point to my own mortality, at one point.
hey all, finally getting to do some blogging, but not too much, my project is going slowly, now my new deadline is NEXT monday or tuesday...
thanks for stopping by my blog, you know i always love "chatting"
cheers for now,
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