Saturday, December 22, 2007

Merry Christmas All

I awoke this morning (6:30 a.m) to the muffled sound of tires on a slushy road, and I thought: "Ah hah, it IS snowing". It was very cold yesterday and I was saying to random strangers: "Brrrr, it feels like snow"... So I got out of bed and drew back the curtains, and sure enough, the ground and trees and house tops are covered in the proverbial blanket of Merry Christmas everyone, I guess I will be taking a slow walk to the Mall today to pick up that last box of Purdy's Chocolates (why do I always leave the box of chocolate covered cinger for my mom 'til the last minute?)

Now, my absolute favourite things about Christmas are the Lights, and Christmas Carols...what are your's?, as mon Kapitano would say - "over to you".