ground view of the Enchanted Forrest, as seen from Sleepy Hollow
"...the lonnngggg and winding road...dah dah dhum...leads me there, to your door....."
*this is a "No Smoking" zone* where you will find fun and frivolity, fabulous photos, random ramblings and occasionally something serious in nature. Seems like Spring has arrived; some warm sunny days here in BBC...so... Welcome to my "site" and I hope you will feel free to leave your comments.
What a beautiful place.
enchanted indeed! this is absolutely beautiful!
I can smell the green!
how are you?
is chi chi yours? I am a fan of snakes.. Used to know one called Henry IX who had a great smile.............
hey ruben, thanks! - it's an old one, taken with a very heavy Pentax and telephoto lens.
Hi meow, yeah, it was really beautiful - (well probably still is, although my ex-cut down $10,000 worth of trees/timber, and the new owners have probably cut down some too), have not seen the property in a long time; have not been able to drive up that road since i left.
yeah mckait, it certainly was/is beautiful..a lot of blood sweat and tears went into it...letting it go was/is hard (not really free of the attachment yet, me thinks? - i'd say i'm long long overdue)...very scary during a thunder and lightening storm..a few weeks after i had left, a tree branch broke during a huge wind storm and fell through the skylight in the room where i had been sleeping! hmmmm...a sign from above? lol
ops, there goes my egg timer...must get back to the kitchen...more later...
y'all have a wonderful Sunday, and thanks for stopping by...
luv and light,
i was going to say did you once live there ? and then i read your responses and realised you did, so why did you leave ?
hey pj,
long time no blog. how's it going? well, i hope. i love meow's moving pic, don't you. you get a lot of interesting people blogging on your site.
That looks like sheer heaven on earth. Like the sky just reached down and kissed the earth.
It would be hard to look at them knowing you can't go back, but harder to wonder what's different!
I read your comment over on my brother's blog re: baby spiders. They ARE the darnedest things to move from a place where you don't want them.....I just tend to let them grow up a little bigger and then they move on all on their own. :)
If you go down in the woods today, you better go in disguise. So, good Monday to you and thanks for all your great comments on my blogs. It's like a nice dialogue. Have a great Monday.
hey spider girl, thanks for the info.
these are teeny tiny ones, almost micro-scopic (i try not to kill spiders by the way, well, i seldom kill any insects.) when i went to move what i thought was a big spider, i touched it with the corner of the paper towel to nudge it out the window, and }}}}bingo{{{
it fanned out into all these little ones, kind of connected to each other, but flying all over the place, and sticking to my fingers, about a hundred of them. whew! what a mess, i finally had to get my blow dryer, and on the lowest possible setting, spent about 15 minutes removing them from my window frame...what a job!
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