Friday, April 28, 2006

Time for a New Post....but.....

This is a re- Rerun, a true story that i like, and one that several readers have read before, but i'm too tired to write a new Post this week.

(Aerial photo by Pj - 1995)

The Enchanted Forrest - realm of faeries and honourable ancestors, where i first locked eyes with Coyote. Eros came blundering through, in his carpenter's belt, his steel-toed boots covered with sawdust. Wielding his nail gun, he turned my whole world up-side-down; with his 50lb crowbar he roughly chipped away at the stone that was once my heart - slowly cracking open a small crevice into which the moonshine of love could penetrate. He whirled me so high i was dizzy and breathless; when i felt my whole being shattering, he threw me back down again. And so my journey began anew...

[first published September 28/05]


alan said...

mmmmmmmm so the Dragonfly took a camera along when she excercised her!

Awesome photo!

Sadly, love gets used like a hammer sometimes...

jumpinginpuddles said...

wow since when did you take a pic of our house ;) LOL not really but wouldnt it be brillaint

Meow (aka Connie) said...

That's an amazing photo. I have been looking over your blog ... you have some really unusual, interesting stuff there. I am enjoying it very much.
Take care, Meow

dragonflyfilly said...

alan, yeah, "Dragonfly" luvvvvs to fly, 'specially in small planes...i took that photo when the house was up for sale; i had already left, but my ex- was still was on 4.4 acres of treed (somewhat old growth) land with a creek running through...such a pity i had to leave...(we sub-divided and cleared the land and built it from scratch, his dream house - turned out to be my nightmare...but, oh well, whatcha gonna do, eh?

...ah love...well...all in a day's goes on....

JIP hey there...if i had my own small plane, i'd be over there in a you have somewhere i could land? lol

meow thanks for stopping by, yeah, i love that photo, i connected briefly with a guy who sold real estate and he also had his own plane, he took me out flying occasionally and i took this photo then (i think it was '95, but i have to check)...well we will chat soon, i have to get ready to go out.

when i come back i will cut and past these messages to your Blogs..


Ian Lidster said...

Love the photo. And, when we need to dust ourselves off, we do so, and move on as best we can. Despite the wounds, the quest can be enticing always.

Tai said...


With a clear attitude like yours, nothing will keep you down.

kimber said...

Your comments about love as a nailgun and crowbar reminded me of an Ani DiFranco quote, which could apply to love just as easily as singing:

"I sing sometimes
For the war that I fight,
'Cause every tool is a weapon
If you hold it right."

Beautiful photo, beautiful metaphors.

dragonflyfilly said...

hey there Kimber
the nailgun and crowbar were real, but yes, they worked well as metaphors...

mckait said...

Hey there! How are you? I love this post.. it made me smile :D

heiresschild said...

meow, i love your moving photo.


dragonflyfilly said...

yeah, Sylvia, isn't it kool, you should check out her blog, but don't get startled by the music like i did...but now i go there every time i need a Tom Jones fix, lol

cheers for now, - HAPPY SUNDAY - I had a lovely stroll around Dragonfly Bog, even tho' it was a bit nippy ---

They call him James Ure said...

That IS a gorgeous picture!!!