This is my beautiful daughter at beautiful Jerico Beach,(photo by pj) downtownish Vancouver!
Come up and see us sometime; it doesn't rain all the time...
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cheers for now,
beautiful daughter....
beautiful place, too!
Is that somewhere near you?
I feel like I could sit under one of those trees and just look for a good long time!
uh huh yes, well, it used to be really close, when i lived down there, but now i live a good hour's drive away, but my brother-in-law had his 60th birthday bar-b-que there. Parking is horrendous though, and it is close to the "nude beach" - a very popular place. But is is georgeous, grass and beach and rocks and sea-air and a spectacular view of the mountains!
Very cool photo. Happy C-Day to you, my friend.
Thanks ian,
i wish i could get it larger and clearer, but my printer/scanner has broken down (yes! my new one, so back to the manufacturer for repair).
chat soon,
hi pj, it's so good to hear from you today. the pic of your daughter is beautiful. i clicked on the photo and it enlarged it and brought her closer. that must be interesting to have that beach close to the nude beach.
i see everyone is saying "happy canada day," so HAPPY CANADA DAY! what is canada day? is it equivalent to our independence day?
Happy Canada Day to you too:-) Your daughter is gorgeous, look at that beautiful hair!! I have two brothers living out in Surrey and one in Vancouver. They've both mentioned going to that beach...maybe they're in the background of the picture!! hehe I have been to Vancouver twice in the late 1980's and loved it...we travelled all over, going to the interior and to the island:-) xox
Your daughter is very pretty. Love her hair...!
I recognize that place. It's not far from where I live. I go to Jericho Park all the time.
Happy Canada Day. Are you going to see any fireworks tomorrow night?
looks pretty place to live and play at
>>Hi Pea,<<
i love your wee faery...
Yep, they could well have been, the beach wash awash with the two-leggeds, accompanied by their four-legged's --maybe when you come to visit your brothers we could meet for tea or coffee?
>>Hi Josie<<
Well, she was experienting with hair colour - she had red hair when she was born (just like her grandmother on her fathers side) - but as she grew older it turned dark brown.
How were the fireworks? I heard them but i decided to stay in.
>>Hi JIP<<
Yep, it is great!
thanks for dropping by all, have a swell week!
I hope all my northern neighbors have a great day. :)
My wife and I really want to visit Vancouver.
That apple didn't fall far from the tree!
thanks alan you are too sweet!
hey there *james* check out my sub-Blog "kali_ipso" for my email address; i look forward to meeting you and your wife! -- we could meet for lunch or dinner or something, and if you need advice on hotels, motels, B&B, let me know.
cheers all,
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