Friday, July 28, 2006

"Attachment is blinding; it lends an imaginary halo of attractiveness to the object of desire"

- Sri Yuktesnar


alan said...

T'would be nice to think I could earn one that will be the only halo I ever wear, and it would have to help!



Jean-Luc Picard said...

A beautiful blog, Dragonflyfilly! Thanks for visiting my Journal.

jumpinginpuddles said...

well my husband has that then :)


dragonflyfilly said...

hey alan i'm not sure but i think you have a different sort of halo, :-)

hi there jean-luc nice to see you over here again, you know you are one of my faves!!! thank you for visiting MY blog

JIP yes, i know what you mean, and i think you are blessed - but it is a two-way street, so you deserve him, don't you think?

well, it is overcast and cool today, nice to have some respite from the heat...will go out for a walk soon,

luv to all,

mckait said...

hey! how are you? things are going well here.. and i have been busy.. and tired and .. well.. happier..

have missed you.. but also missed being in blogland myself..
have to work on that!

take care :)

Alicia M B Ballard StudioGaleria said...

oh.... let me be blinded!!!

As the feeling goes, nothing compares to it... and, of course - it is always, always a choice.


Interesting you playing around with blog technology, may solicit your expertise

love ya

dragonflyfilly said...

Hey there "Angeldust";

eh, expertise? HAH HAH HAH HAH HAH HAH,

NOT ME!!! - I cannot clean up this mess that my blog is in.....i need help,

anyone???? - i mean, ANYONE, help me please.

yes, i too like being 'BLINDED' - BUT it does carry with it it's risks,

luv ya,
chat soon,

dragonflyfilly said...

hey there Kath; glad to hear things are going well with you.


Alicia M B Ballard StudioGaleria said...

life without risk?
great concept
sign me up!

dragonflyfilly said...

i may have to abandon this "nest" and start up a new one...can't seem to get the setting corrected here.

heiresschild said...

hi pj....long time no visit. hope things have been well for you, and that you're staying cool. seems to be heat waves in a lot of places.


They call him James Ure said...

Beautifully artistic picture.

Dr. Deb said...

Great quote!

dragonflyfilly said...

hey alan check me out in my "roadster" at Persephonie's Hideaway....


Meow (aka Connie) said...

Great quote and pic.
Hope you are well.
Take care, Meow

dragonflyfilly said...

injured cyclist - we will be riding 'In my Dreams', heh heh

hello there Meow, nice to see you again, how's things,

hey Deb, thanks for dropping by

my pleasure Jean-Luc

cheers for now,

dragonflyfilly said...
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dragonflyfilly said...

thanks James, the photo is one that i got when i bought some "pasties" at a craft market....

i have decided to "embrace" my broken-heartedness...maybe then it will begin to heal, (i have been bleeding, metaphorically speaking, for too long now...time to "get over it", hah hah!
