Friday, June 30, 2006

from Left to Right: Flaming, Frilly, Fickle and Frivolous

my Flamingos have "flown the coop" for the summer, deciding to take in some of the world famous sights!!! heh heh

"WOW, our first close-up of Mt. Rushmore"

photo by Flamining Flamingo


djn said...

They're beautiful creatures!

dragonflyfilly said...

hi djn, yes, are'nt they just! i might have seen some live at the San Diago Zoo, but that was such a long time ago...i think i got this photo from my mom who took a bunch of photos of them, i think in Kenya, brain is very fuzzy today!

thanks for stopping by Flamingo's Hideaway, came back soon,

Alicia M B Ballard StudioGaleria said...

well filly, it looks that they travel well. But most importantly - what a great shot you got from them in flight!!!!

Hope to find you well this holiday weekend. Happy Canada Day!

Got an invitation for you and/or anyone you might know with a “wacky bag”
Here it goes -

Call for entry: Wacky Bag World – First International – Cyber Exhibition

I would love you or anyone you know to enter a photo and brief story of the “wacky bag”
I would love to make this a fun-fun-fun project for all.
Interested parties may contact me through site email.

There is already one entry… mine!
Hope you share this wacky project with many and see the results on

Looking forward to hearing back from you and all the fuss and fun to come

Joy to you

jumpinginpuddles said...

ohhh that is awesome :D

Anonymous said...

Nice! They are so pretty!

dragonflyfilly said...

hi there "angeldust", thanks for stopping by....ok. will check out wacky bag after i have attended to my mom's project.

hey jip, thanks for stopping by!

tiesha, nice to see you again!

Meow (aka Connie) said...

What a gorgeous photo.
Hope you had a wonderful Canada Day ... do you get a long weekend for it ??
Take care, Meow

Austin of Sundrip said...

when you post a pic do not use left justify, use baseline or no set and make sure that you have some sort of text or even just a period under each photo, that way the program knows where to start and stop. If you left justify the pics then the words will go to the sides and the template will be off. I learned this the other day when doing my Kitten's Prayer Page. Man was I frustrated at first but I realize that if I put a left justify on the pics then my trouble begins.

Btw...very nice shots.

dragonflyfilly said...

i'm not sure what you mean by Left Justify?

They call him James Ure said...

Just saying hello PJ and sending you my love and peaceful energy.

dragonflyfilly said...

*big contented SIGH* , James, thanks for stopping by,
