Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Blogger won't let me access My Pictures, and i need to have something new up....so i found these somewhere else in my computer....they will have to do until i can find the rest of The Mikado photos.

striking a "yoga" pose?

a whole line of "posers" here, in my mom's front garden. We had fun playing "dress-up" with all my mom's fabulous "Cruising" gowns!

" Family Fun"

"Granny" (my Mom) does not smoke, but we got her to pose with a ciggy, it was too funny, but since i cannot access My Pictures with blog, i can't find the one of her puzzling over what she has in her hand.


alan said...

Yes, to know you is to love you...!

Glad your work will be remember by future companies; some of those are very professional work!


ian gordon said...

Blogger is driving me nuts at present. I can get new pictures up but can't add any to older posts.

jumpinginpuddles said...

wow your family have so much fun, would love to be there for one day to share in the fun thanks for another set of great pics :)

Anonymous said...

Great pictures!! I love family snap shots....and family fun!! That's what makes each day a little sunnier!

Thanks for sharing the photos!


:P fuzzbox said...

Blogger has been acting funny with photos this week. Way to strike a pose.

Anonymous said...

I love these pictures! Very nice. I've had trouble with pictures too. I thought it was my computer, but I guess not.
This is a fun post. Thanks for sharing these pictures!

Ian Lidster said...

I like the picture of 'Granny' with the cigarette. So, blogger problems with pictures -- how true. Nice to visit.

dragonflyfilly said...

hi alan, well, i did not really do all that much...a bit of moral support along with the make-up, but i hope to help with costumes and props for the next production.

hi photo-effe thanks for stopping by, glad you enjoyed the pics.

hi ian nice to see you, well, yeah, hope i can get more pics up soon.

hello there JIP yes, i can imagine adding you to our fun-type mix...it would be a riot i'm sure...well, maybe i will someday get over to your part of the world! who knows?

hi peg nice to see your smiling face over at my Blog. yes, unfortunately these moments are all too few and far between, scattered all over the planet that we are!

hey fuzzy just for the record, that is not me, (except in the group photo) -- i'm the one taking the pics.

hi Tiesha i had fun posting these, they are stored in another part of my computer, so that is how i got them posted.

hi ian my mom is legally blind, only has very limited vision, so when sis and neice were posing for a "smoking is very glamourous commercial" we gave her one, she looked at it quisically and said: "what's this", the expression on her face was so comical, but you had to be there, one of those "funny in the moment" things! too bad, that one is in My Pictures file, which i cannot access....how's things with you, anyway?

dragonflyfilly said...

hey Alan, can't log into your Blog!!!!

Alicia M B Ballard StudioGaleria said...

when I have problems posting with blogger I switch over to "picasa". Sometimes it is the solution...

Summer Solstice today!

(The woodpecker spoke for two days in a row.)

dragonflyfilly said...

angeldust!!! -- how KOOL is that?!!! i saw a woodpecker yester! --- first one in about a year!

alan said...

Probably just as well, I was ranting a bit...


Meow (aka Connie) said...

Great photos.
When blogger won't let me post photos, I save my (writing) post as a draft, then open it to edit it ... then it lets me upload photos ... give it a try, it might work. I only every try to upload one photo at a time, though, which is a pain ... but I know this works for me.
Have a great weekend.
Take care, Meow

mckait said...

hey! how are you?
been crazy busy... so have not been here much....

turns out i have to go back to work tomorrow to cover pre-school..
not much of a break.. woe is e

how have you been?

Alicia M B Ballard StudioGaleria said...

good day Filly
hope you are keeping well
joy to you!

dragonflyfilly said...

hey there, angeldust, mckait, meow, alan thanks for stopping by, being quite busy busy busy, still am, and will do a new post in the next few days or so.

luv to you all!

Marylebone storage guy said...

These photos are so much fun, I especially like the last one - you all look like you're having a great time!