Saturday, February 10, 2007

"True Love" = Passion, Passion, Passion

"The Moon is in My Heart" by Dwayne Edward Rourke

True Love is irresistible;

True Love moves you;

True Love is the adventure of unexpected things; you have to be brave to accept the randomness of love, be open to the alchemy of love.
True love is cruel, it is blissful, amazing, maddening and frightening, all at the same time; it makes us do crazy things.

True Love is not negotiable.
True Love is full of lust, combined with a deep spiritual yearning.

True Love demands unbridled intimacy. It demands that one surrenders all control, surrender self to the moment, to The Other.
True Love knows no bounds ~~so say i, pj [a.k.a. "dragonflyfilly"]

"Fish gotta swim, hearts gotta bleed" - Molly Ivens (1944-2007)

Soul Merge 5(2005) - graphics by "dragonflyfilly"
Happy St. Valentine's Day Everyone

Neon Love Note - photo by(2004) "dragonflyfilly"
...and love and Light to all!


jumpinginpuddles said...

thanks filly, we still think the last picture does look like an apple though ;)

dragonflyfilly said...


Jean-Luc Picard said...

A great Valentine's post! Very romantic.

mckait said...

very nice is all of that and more...

dragonflyfilly said...

hey Jean-luc, hey kath, glad you enjoyed the post,
cheers for now,

Ian Lidster said...

Lovely Valentine greetings, and a very happy and loving one to you.


alan said...

May your Valentine's Day be as wonderful as you are!


Meow (aka Connie) said...

Happy Valentines day, hope it's a fabulous one.
Take care, Meow

Godwhacker said...

Just stopping by to wish you a wonderful Valentine's Day.
