Friday, January 06, 2006

"Hell Freezes Over" Chilliwack, after the
big ice storm (1995 or thereabouts)


heiresschild said...

hi pj,

i'm first again on the blog. i've been first on several of them in the last couple of weeks. i'd say that's a good sign for the new year.

i'm finishing up my photo slide story with music and narration of my three granddaughters and will send it out no later than monday.

hope you've had a great day, and will have a great nite.


dx said...

How I wish here could snow someday, but that's impossible...everybody knows that.

CQ said...

Those were beautiful pics of the snow. Wish we could get some snow that would lock down the government for at least 2 days.

Thanks for stopping by my blog.