Wednesday, June 14, 2006

this is it for now, i think it is not possible to post more than this many photos? anyway, more to the meantime....enjoy.....

DON'T FORGET TO CHECK OUT June 7th's post for more MIKADO photos!


jumpinginpuddles said...

we want the white dress with the awesome flowers that is gorgeous :)

dragonflyfilly said...

i was JUST thinking about you, and was on my way over to your blog to say hi!!!! ....and here you are!!!

Metalchick said...

I found you through Ian G's post. I think the pictures are very lovely. Is that you dressed up in the pictures?
I read your earlier post about the racist people on the bus. So glad you spoke out to those people. It's hard for me to have the guts to speak up.

Anonymous said...

Nice! This is almost like going to the show! OK, not quite, but very nice!

dragonflyfilly said...

hey there metalchick, thanks for stopping by, yes, it is hard to speak up, but i guess i was just at the end of my patience for the week, i'm not used to riding on the busses, and i was amazed at the stupidity of some people; BUT the thing was the man engaged me with his comment, and i was absolutely NOT going to let him think i shared his opinion.

hi tiesha, yes, the show was such a DELIGHT, i got the DVD, but i am very cross with the quality, it keeps skipping, so i hope we are going to get replacements.

ian gordon said...

Great costumes.

You seeem to be one of lucky ones who can get their pictures up on site at present. I'm having problems adding pictures to previous posts. Driving me nuts.

dragonflyfilly said...

i AM having some trouble myself, i thought it was just because my Blog has so much stuff in it, and i thought i might delete some of the extraneious stuff....

heiresschild said...

hi pj, beautiful, beautiful costumes. i see you've downsized somewhat on your blog. did you archive the previous blogs, or just delete them? have a great weekend. what's your daughter's blog address so i can visit. thanks.


Alicia M B Ballard StudioGaleria said...

we are all having problems uploading photos?
I have managed the odd one... with persistence.

tried picasa?
sometimes it is a good "alternative"

ciao for now

dx said...

The dresses are so beautiful!
Though it did look a little strange in westerpeople, but I like it sooooooo much, the pictures are very very cute!
I think it must be very fun there...

dragonflyfilly said...

hi JM,
yes, i suppose they would look a bit odd to you...but it is all just for the fun of it...i have more photos to post but Blogger won't allow me to...hope they fix it soon.

cheers for now,

mckait said...

gorgeous hotos!

just wanted to say a quick hello..
will email soon..
it has been really busy with my son home.. lots to do and little time for blogland

take care

Mr. Death said...

Very nice...I've always wanted to see something like that. Dig the warrior fellow...Angry much?

alan said...

Is a cast scrapbook in order here?

Lovely photos!


dragonflyfilly said...

Dear Kath,
thanks for stopping by...i'm glad you are busy in your "real life"...which to me takes priority; Blogland is good too, but family first eh?

Hi JV,
well, the "angry guy" was one of the three Samuri, and that was just his stage persona - he insisted on doing his own make-up, but in real life he is a very sweet and gentle young man!!!! (being only about 17 or 18 yrs) (who would know, eh?)

Yes alan,
all photos will go in the big scrapbook; they have a whole library of past performances in the office in the big storage space/workshop where costumes and props are created and stored. For an amateur group they are very "professional" in every aspect of the production.

dragonflyfilly said...

avk thanks for stopping by, glad you enjoyed the photos, will try to have a few more up in a few days.

cheers for now,